
NetCloud at Digitaliseringsmessen

Participate in Digitaliseringsmessen

In the latest years we have had to change the way we work, and the digital technology plays a big role in this development. We work more from home, have become better at utilizing new technology and are becoming used to working cross channels.


But what are the next steps and what trends do you need to keep an eye on?


Digitaliseringsmessen is for all Danish companies in the public sector. The focus is on how digital solutions can support the manual workers an create a green transition. The topic of 2023 is therefore the Municipality of the Future - and the digital transformation needed to get there.

We at NetCloud are of course attending and has a stand, and you can get to come up close with automating processes with us. They are increasingly important for any company interested in optimizing time spent on cases, saving expenses and reducing the number of repetitive manual processes.

We are looking forward to seeing you.

Seminar October
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