The schedule
9:00 Registration and a light breakfast
9.30 Introduction - Brian Luplau, NetCloud A/S
9.40 Keep TOPdesk asset inventory dynamically updated - Martin Everhøj, Senior Solution Architect, NetCloud A/S
10.00 How can the Echo platform change the way you work with Risk Management, Asset Management, Compliance and Data? - Brian Luplau, Managing Director, NetCloud
10.20 Pause
10.30 The use of Asset Management in ITSM - Christian Kjær Jusjong, Product Specialist TOPdesk.
11.00 ITSM Solution Demo
11.15 Questions?
11.30 Lunch
Meet the experts from TOPdesk and NetCloud who will be ready to answer any questions you might have on the Echo platform, TOPdesk's Asset Management Module and how the two work together to improve YOUR business.
Christian Kjær Jusjong
Product Specialist, TOPdesk
The use of Asset Management in an ITSM.
Brian Luplau
Partner, NetCloud A/S
Will help you understand the benefits you gain from knowing your data - and show you how to use it to elevate your business as a whole.
Martin Everhøj
Senior Solution Architect, NetCloud A/S
Will show you how Echo can help keep the asset inventory current with device vitals, lifecycle and baseline state.